Adultery Investigation Overview

Knight Detectives prioritise all of our customers, consistently providing investigation services in a professional manner Our Surveillance Agents are diverse and come from a variety of Police, Military and Investigative backgrounds. If you are reading this page, it will mean that you have suspicions about the faithfulness of your partner or spouse. Other Private Investigators mislead people into thinking that following somebody in order to gain evidence of infidelity alone is legal. It is not! Evidence gained illegally can lead to litigation and could be inadmissible should you wish to use it in Court. We offer our surveillance services if the criteria for legislation governing an individual’s privacy has been met.

You can have confidence that such investigations will be legal when you choose us.

In Accordance With The Law

Everybody is governed by the Human Rights Act and ensure that we abide by all legislation to protect everybody involved. Article 8 of the Human Rights Act is a qualified right and as such the right to a private and family life and respect for the home and correspondence may be limited.  So while the right to privacy is engaged in a wide number of situations, the right may be lawfully limited. Any limitation must have regard to the fair balance that has to be struck between the competing interests of the individual and of the community as a whole.

In particular, any limitation must be:

  • In accordance with law;
  • Necessary and proportionate; and
  • For one or more of the following legitimate aims:
  1. The prevention of disorder or crime;
  2. The protection of health or morals; or
  3. The protection of the rights and freedoms of others

Consider The Right And Wrongs

The situation you are facing can be confusing without you having to consider the rights and wrongs of surveillance. Many domestic situations leading to infidelity involve criminal behaviour, domestic violence, controlling and coercive behaviour, all of which are Criminal Offences. We understand your situation and your Case Investigator will have past experience as Police Detective in a Domestic Violence Unit. The Police do not have the resources nor time, to investigate your partner/spouse pro-actively for such matters and this is where we can help!