Employment Investigations/Internal Thefts Overview

Knight Detectives prioritise all of our customers, consistently providing investigation services in a professional manner. Employers can lose thousands of pounds if there is a “bad apple” within the workplace. This could be an employee stealing from a till or a business partner defrauding the company. Identifying the culprit of thefts within the workplace has a positive effect on your business and staff morale. The circumstances and legalities surrounding an investigation within the workplace can be complex and that’s why we are here to help.


As we have former Police Detectives, we specialise in crime prevention and detection. The legislation that is required by us to install covert cameras and equipment is much more lenient that the legislation required by the Police.

We have the experience to gather the evidence so it can be used in any subsequent Court hearing.

We Can Act Immediately

Police and Government agencies are bound by the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (RIPA). With Police numbers dwindling and their investigations being diverted towards Cyber Crime, the Police will often find themselves unable to assist. Police resources are now limited and they will not have the capability to conduct a Pro-Active operation. The authorities required under RIPA 2000 causes bureaucratic delays and will also limit their capacity to fully investigate your matters. As Ex-Police Detectives in the Private Sector, we are not governed by RIPA 2000. We are mainly governed by the Data Protection Act and The Human Rights Act. If somebody is stealing within your workplace, we are allowed to act immediately!

An example of such an investigation is:  
An employer approached us after her company had suffered multiple thefts. They had all been reported to the Police and the offender could not be identified through traditional investigative methods. The thefts were from the same till, and we installed covert CCTV cameras in order to identify the thief. Within days, the thief was identified as a staff member within the company. The evidence we had obtained was legal to use in a Court and handed to the client for the recovery process to begin in either a Civil or Criminal Court.